Flat World & Ed Ch. 3-5 Thoughts9/12/2017 CH. 4
"...a reasonable opportunity to achieve those standards..." (pg. 99) Interesting use of the word "opportunity" as we can provide all the opportunities in the world that do little to nothing. As socially, economically, and generationally viable institutions, we must move into the realm of assurances for support and, dare I say it, outcomes, which is far more committal. "At a minimum, states should not force schools to waste scarce resources through ill-conceived requirements." (pg. 102). Can I get an amen? The perceived linear correlation to student achievement through one size fits all curricular, instructional, and assessment practices/requirements has been debunked over and over, yet continues to exist. Spend $ on good teachers. It pays. Pun intended. Preschool and pedagogy as well-funded endeavors that make a difference. Why is preschool not obligatory? CH. 5 Product of and participant in CA education. No apologies. Please know we are working hard. We must find the balance between replication that statistically speaking produces results in student achievement with context and culture that is uniquely Californian.
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